The Turbo T15-2 Centrifuge is a fully automated PLC controlled self-cleaning centrifuge that can be provided as a freestanding centrifuge or in conjunction with tanks, pumps and chillers.
The Turbo T40-2 Centrifuge adds additional capacity when higher flows or higher solids capacities needed. Typical flow rates range up to 40 GPM and can handle up to ~66 lbs. per hour of solids.
The Turbo T40-3 is a three-phase automated self-discharging centrifuge that clarifies and recycles fluids particulate matter entrained in the fluid down to the 1 – 10-micron range and provides tramp oil removal as well. The centrifuge has a process rate of up to 40 GPM with a solids removal rate of up to 400 pounds/shift of dry solids or sludge.
The Turbo T60-2 Centrifuge can be used as a freestanding centrifuge or in conjunction with tanks, pumps and chillers. Typical flow rates range up to 66 GPM and can handle up to 66 lbs. per hour of solids.