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Freddy Portable Sump Cleaners

Freddy Tramp Oil Separator

Compact, portable and easy to use

The Freddy TOS is designed to remove surface tramp oil in machine tool coolant sumps. Tramp oil can cause a variety of problems both to the finished product and the operator. The Freddy TOS is compact and easy to move, so it can be used throughout the factory floor.  Since it runs continuously, it will not interfere with production. Separated tramp oil flows by gravity into a container, allowing cleaned/filtered coolant to be returned to the sump.

Key Features

  • Removes tramp oil from coolants in a variety of applications
  • Runs continuously
  • Variety of filters and floats available
  • Optional UV module prohibits bacterial growth


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FAX: 508.660.9151

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Walpole, MA 02081
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