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Turbo Centrifuges Systems - Standardized and Customized Integrated Systems

 The Turbo Centrifuge Systems can be supplied with integral process tankage and equipped with process equipment that meets your specific application requirements for fluid and coolant recycling for water-based coolants, oil-based fluids.  Many of the Turbo Centrifuges can be equipped with a SS rotor, housing, tanks, etc. for processing parts washing solutions, vibratory deburring, phosphatizing solutions, rinses etc. within a pH range of 4 – 14 S.U..

Standardized Turbo Centrifuge Systems

A great majority of the Turbo Centrifuges can be provided as integrated centrifuge systems available in standardized pre-engineered and designed system including tanks, pumps and process controls to effectively service machine tools and provide a continuously cleaned and clarified sump for fluids, oils or water-based coolants.  

Note: The Turbo T10-3-315 Coolant Recycling System (shown here) is commonly used as a three-phase centralized coolant recycling system. The process tank provides a common sump for the machine tools along with the Turbo 3-phase centrifuge for tramp oil removal along with the separation of fine particles, and coolant supply pumps for multi-pass coolant recycling.

Turbo T14-2 Centrifuge

Customized Engineered Turbo Centrifuge Systems

[JG1] In addition to our pre-configured off-the-shelf systems, we also custom design integrated systems that are engineered for your specific needs.

Optional equipment includes clean fluid supply pumps, chillers, level sensors, automated coolant make-up, control valves, magnetic pre-filters, hydrocyclones, etc.

Note: The Turbo T14-2 Centrifuge system shown here is mounted on a dirty/clean tank system with a large chiller and a high-pressure supply pump.

 [JG1]Alt text and file name “Turbo T14-2 Centrifuge”

Note: The Turbo T10-3-315 Coolant Recycling System (shown here) is commonly used as a three-phase centralized coolant recycling system. The process tank provides a common sump for the machine tools along with the Turbo 3-phase centrifuge for tramp oil removal along with the separation of fine particles, and coolant supply pumps for multi-pass coolant recycling.

Centralized Fluid and Coolant Recycling Systems

Multiple Turbo Centrifuges can be mounted on a single process tank equipped with multiple customized clean fluid supply pumps that are controlled with a single control panel. These centralized Turbo Centrifuge Fluid Recycling Systems are also commonly used for servicing multiple machine tools. The process tanks provide multi-pass processing and ca be equipped with chillers, level sensors, coolant make-up, etc.

Features and Benefits

  • High Bowl Speed for Maximum Separation Efficiency
  • Uses No Consumable Media
  • High Speed Centrifuge Dewatering Reduces Solids Disposal Volumes
  • Minimizes Difficulties Associated with Hauling Disposal of Liquid Sludge

Turbo Centrifuge Applications:

  • Coolant Recycling
  • Oil Purification
  • Fluid Recycling
  • Optical Glass Grinding
  • Glass Edge Grinding and Fabrication
  • Ceramics and Composites Grinding
  • Paint Booth Processes
  • Phosphate Solution Recycling
  • Parts Washer Applications
  • Gallium Arsenide
  • Wire Drawing
  • Laundry Processes
  • Vibratory Deburring
  • Silica Wafer Cutting and Grinding
  • Stone Cutting and Grinding
  • Biofuel and Oil Production
  • Sludge Processing and Dewatering
  • Wastewater Clarification

[Links to various Turbo pages]

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23 Walpole Park South
Walpole, MA 02081
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